You're Almost There...

Start Your Singing Journey in 3 Easy Steps!

Step 1: Decide On Your Programme


  • 60 Minute Trial Singing Lesson
  • Basic Tips & Consultation
  • Learn from a world performing coach


$ 599 12 sessions
  • 2 Sessions FREE!
  • Premium 1-ON-1 Singing Lessons
  • Learn from a world performing coach
  • Customised to your skill level & needs
  • Reach higher notes without strain
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Boost your confidence
  • Improve your tone
  • Flexible timeslots
best deal!


$ 399 6 sessions
  • Premium 1-ON-1 Singing Lessons​
  • Customised to your skill level & needs
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Boost your confidence​
  • Improve your tone​
  • Flexible timeslots

STEP 2: Pay via The Following Options

Flexible installment plans are available upon approval. Reach out to us for more info.

If you prefer to pay by cash, you can do so during your first session. Proceed to Step 3 below.

You can do the bank transfer prior your first session. Proceed to Step 3 below.

We’re working hard to make things easier and more convenient for you. You are required to settle 50% downpayment – Proceed to Step 3 below.

STEP 3: Confirm Your Enrolment

Send us an email to confirm your enrolment and book an available session with us. If you paid via bank transfer please send us a screenshot of your payment for faster confirmation of your enrolment into the programme.